
Highlights Stack Play
Anadarko EERC (effective rig count) is 404, 2.5 times higher than reported rig count.
EnerCom has added the Anadarko Basin to the Effective Rig Count, bringing in the second most active basin in the U.S. With the addition of the Anadarko Basin, the EERC is now 2,407, well above peak levels in 2014.
In the Anadarko Basin, the reported rig count is 129, but the effective rig count sits at 404. This equates to a multiple of 2.5x, meaning current rigs are 2.5 times more effective than rigs in the basin were in January 2014.
EnerCom has added the Anadarko Basin to the Effective Rig Count, bringing in the second most active basin in the U.S. With the addition of the Anadarko Basin, the EERC is now 2,407, well above peak levels in 2014.
In the Anadarko Basin, the reported rig count is 129, but the effective rig count sits at 404. This equates to a multiple of 2.5x, meaning current rigs are 2.5 times more effective than rigs in the basin were in January 2014.
Oklahoma Oil & Gas Fields

Over four thousand horizontals completed in Anadarko basin to date at vertical depths as great as 15,000 feet.

Highlights Stack Play
For the first time, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recognized the Anadarko Basin in its latest monthly drilling productivity report, released last August. A majority of the activity within the Anadarko Basin is centered on the SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) and STACK (Sooner Trend Anadarko Canadian and Kingfisher) plays of Oklahoma, collectively estimated to be valued at over $40 billion.
Estimated break-evens for first quintile wells in the play are quite low and competitive with top Permian plays. First quintile wells in the STACK for both short- and long-laterals are estimated to break even under $30 per barrel.
Estimated break-evens for first quintile wells in the play are quite low and competitive with top Permian plays. First quintile wells in the STACK for both short- and long-laterals are estimated to break even under $30 per barrel.